Where I Write


All I need is a desk with many drawers and to have a place that I can go to every single day or night and write. Something familiar, my personal desk with tons of drawers, erasers, pencils, pencil sharpeners, post-its, moleskin notebook and tons of books of courses. I love to write notes on post-its and stick them everywhere. But still, there is some sort of order and thought behind the sticking-them-everywhere-arrangements. This is why I do not want anyone (no kids!) close to my desk. The funny part is, I don’t even have this desk at this point. What I wrote about is my dream desk or my dream working table. A place where I can concentrate and write uninterrupted for a long time. I have this love for old vintage furniture and want antique lights on it. Something danish, something old with history. Something like this, Jean: 

For me, it is great once I know a particular piece of furniture has its own little story and is vintage – I might never find out what the story was but it is okay. In the States I used to write on our huge kitchen table which was good for the time being – keeping in mind that it won’t be like this forever. There, I also did not have an office or a room to particularly write in. I also write on the couch, the floor, my bed or a café. To brainstorm, being outside and observing people works great for me, too. This is why I do carry my notebook with me wherever I go. Simply because, you never know. This reminds me of one of my favorite Family Guy scenes: 

However, I do prefer a desk and a comfortable chair. Here, at my parents house you can find me sitting in the kitchen for a long time as soon as my son is in bed. I write and read here uninterrupted for hours. I love to write at night, when everything is quiet and sometimes it happens that I go to bed at 3am. It is insane, I know –  because even though my son is sleeping, he might wake up at any point and I have to take care of him. It is all worth it however. I find it inspiring to write at night when everybody is asleep. It calms me down and makes me think about so many things. 

I am consistently writing daily for a couple of months now and I enjoy it a lot. There is so much more I need to do. Research, reading, book reviews, reading other blogs, emails, Facebook, pictures, watch new movies and review them – the day should have 48 hours. This could theoretically be indeed a full-time job. Usually, there are at least 2-3 books sitting right next to me while I write, just waiting to be read. During the day I cannot write or read too much because of my son. It is a bit easier now, since I am here at my parents’ and they do play with him and I get some writing done during the day. I am most certainly not a morning person but sometimes I do get up way before my son – just to get some reading done. Then I can give him my undivided attention when we do play together. This is very important to me! 

Today, I was fortunate to see Friedrich Rückert’s writing room at the Friedrich Rückert Museum in Neuses/Coburg. Unfortunately, I did not take my phone with me (duh!) and all I found online was this picture. I hope I will get a chance to go back to take another look at this amazing room. And yes, I did smell the books. 🙂 

Thank you Christel and Klaus Rückert. Hope to see you both again! 

Where do you write? How does your writing desk look? I would love to read your comments. 

Thank you for reading my blog. 

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